Early Medieval Salt / Spice Container

Early Medieval Salt / Spice Container


Early Medieval Spice / salt container. Dated from the 8th-9th centuries.
This type of recipient (Called “T-Shaped container” by Sten Tesch on his book “Cum grano salis – Salt and Prestige”), has been found over a large part of the European continent, but with a concentration in Central Europe: Hungary, Czech Re-public, Slovakia and north western Germany.
These recipients were specially commond during the Viking Age, although their chronology is wide: from 7th to 12th century.
It’s made of red deer antler, recovered from the annual moulting. We use the part where a bifurcation is produced. It has wooden lids and a hasp made of brass.
The antler surface is polished and finely carved with geometrical motifs typical of the period.

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