Small fibula replica of a medieval one dated on 13th-14th century.
It presents one side with an inscription in black letter ‘ihesus nazaren[us] rex udoeoru[m]’ (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews), the inscription beginning with a star and ending with a sprig of foliage. On the other side the black letter inscription on a background that has been cut away, presumably to hold enamel., the inscription with the names of the three Magi ‘iaspar: melchior: baltazar / M’ (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar) the inscription begins and ends with foliage, and the ‘M’ is separated from the rest of the inscription by a crown.
The original is made of gold and the pin is missing. It was probably manufactured on France or England.
Invoking the names of the Kings was believed to protect against epilepsy, known as the ‘falling sickness’ or ‘morbus daemonicus’ (the demonic disease).
It’s perfect for closing your tunic collar or just as a decorative element.
Hand-made with bronze.
Diameter of 2.8 cm.
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