Viking Bracelet with Dragon Heads in Ringerike Style

Viking Bracelet with Dragon Heads in Ringerike Style

25,00 30,00 

This replica made of bronze and the fittings are inspired by the zoomorphical bracelet found in Undrom near Boteå, at Ångermanland, northern Sweden.
The original bracelet is actually exhibited at the Historiska Museet in Stockholm.

Measures: It has an overall length of 18 cm and it could fit to a wrist of 5.5 – 7.5 cm diameter (about 17-20 cm circumference).
The thickness of the bronze wire is 5 mm.


Also available this torc made on the same style.

Euro (€) - EUR
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  • United States dollar ($) - USD

This replica made of bronze and the fittings are inspired by the zoomorphical bracelet found in Undrom near Boteå, at Ångermanland, northern Sweden.
The original bracelet is actually exhibited at the Historiska Museet in Stockholm.

Measures: It has an overall length of 18 cm and it could fit to a wrist of 5.5 – 7.5 cm diameter (about 17-20 cm circumference).
The thickness of the bronze wire is 5 mm.


Also available this torc made on the same style.

Weight 0,04 kg
Dimensions 0,0 × 0,0 × 0,0 cm
Silver plating

No, Yes


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